Academagia: The Making of Mages is a whimsical fantasy life simulation and role-playing game set at the renowned Academy of Magic in the rich and dangerous city of Mineta. As a newly arrived teenager in a strange, vast school, you'll embark on adventures great and small, train your familiar, make friends (and enemies!), and master the shining arts and subtle laws of spell-casting.
In your first year, you'll attend classes, build skills, compete for the glory of your College, and explore the history and
powers of an ancient world of flying islands and fallen empires. What you choose to do - whether it be to create a new
magical item, to butter up your instructors, or to duel with your bitterest rivals - will ultimately determine how your
character evolves throughout the school year. With many secret skills to uncover and hundreds of unique actions to
learn and bonuses to collect, character specialization is unprecedented in its breadth. You can explore the campus,
research in the many libraries, help your friends, visit exotic merchants or cast powerful spells: the choice is yours!
But beware! There are more dangers than just detention, and frightening secrets wait in the long forgotten sections of
the University...
Academagia is a 2D PC life simulation and role-playing game intended for audiences ages 9+. Our game rewards relationship building, research and knowledge over violence, and encourages the gamer to create their own unique story. The game is available here and at Steam for $15.99.
Apr. 20, 2017
We are happy to announce that Academagia is available on Steam!
The new version of Academagia features a major UI overhaul and DLC 17, The First Touch of Summer.